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Sign up to hear from Jaime about book signings, upcoming events, releases, short stories, and free short fiction.
Short stories and flash fiction are Jaime's favorite forms of tales to author. While she is also a novelist, short fiction holds a very special place in her heart. She loves sharing it with you, so this blog was created for that purpose. The timing of release for the free stories varies. Sign up to be notified of new releases of free short fiction.
Flash fiction is considered any story under 1,000 words. Short stories are generally 1,000 to 10,000 words, Novelettes are 7,500 to 19,000 words, Novellas are 10,000 to 40,000 words, Novels are 50,000 to 110,000 words, and Epic Novels are 110,000 words and up.
Have A Frightfully Fangtastic Day!